Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Promises and Com(promises)

As a child I wanted to become a doctor, a fighter pilot, a MI5 or MI6 agent, a soldier and don’t remember what more.......

As a child I loved life (so do I now) and loved probably everything it had to offer me. Nature, wildlife, treks, trips, schools, studies (yes I did....), sports, friends.......

I never really understood how I developed so many interests in life. Probably all the credit goes to my parents who taught me to enjoy the life as it is. At every moment while I was enjoying them, I made myself some promises. To be with all these things for rest of my life.

Today, I am doing MBA from one of India's most prestigious B-schools. Here everyone comes to be successful. To get a good job. A high paying job. Enjoy probably the last two years of educational career and transform oneself into a "rich"er person.

Unfortunately that richness is measured in terms of whether you get 7 or 8 or 10 or 12 or 15 lacs. In return you get a job in some top notch company. In years that follow climb the ladders of organisational hierarchy. In the process of reaching the top we don't really realise the years that fly by. The only things those occupy our lives are work, promotion and money. And I fear myself just doing that.......

I fear that in the quest for the top, I might not be able to fulfill all those promises I made myself as a child. I love reading, writing, trekking, travelling, swimming, playing, listening to music and many more simple things. But I hardly see anything of these in today's cut throat race for the top. It reminds me of the story I read sometime back....that of a fisherman and a businessman. I know I am writing this at the risk of being labelled as an unambitious person. But I also stand at a juncture of life where I need to decide whether the compromises will override my promise or I find some way to compromise on compromises to fulfill my promises.


Astrodjay said...

That's life my friend! Life is all about compromises and sacrifices. All u need to do, is to be true to whatever you do.....

~S~ said...

Welcome to the blogworld Hrishi. You're getting into the groove- so let the writing flow! Just beware of the laziness which'll creep in after a coupla posts :)

Saji said...

Hey there bro... great to see that u ve joined the clan... nice blog ...live it up bro.... fight the system.

Samiere said...

Do what u like OR u will be forced to like what u do.

Listen to ur heart - Trust me everyone makes money to have good living. If u dont do what u like and when u like - u r not making justice to ur "self"

try analyzing this line
" I still havent found what i am looking for"

Anonymous said...

hey dear,
i know all of your interests, and i really appreciate you for having developed them.
the doubts you have raised are very genuine ones. somtimes we get bogged down by such doubts, but u have to remember that this is also a phase in life. take it in its stride.
you have full life ahead of you to follow your heart and and head both and get a good job and then you can keep certain period of your life for your interests. you must remember how i was working in office for nearly 8 to 8 and still i used to have time and energy to play with you, read other things, go for movies for programmes of musical concerts and what not. only dontget too obsessed with
ideas of getiing more and more money and power.

Werewolfish said...

Good post dude. Straight from the heart... as metallica says "Sad but True.."

Werewolfish said...
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Anonymous said...

well, i a mentering the blog world thru a comment!!
Well, if you want to do something, do it NOW. It's difficult to implement, but one thing i can tell you...there will always be something to bog you down...today its MBA, 2morrow it will be job,marriage and then kids!!

trendwhizo said...

Congrats mate for making it to XLRI.
I got through to CMU here in US for IS Management.


Anonymous said...

The perpetual dilemma among most MBA's, whether to join the rat race or pursue their dreams. UNfortuantely most prefer to follow the former. Nicely written Blog btw. hope to read more of your blog.

Anonymous said...

Dear Hrush
To achieve all your goals & to cater all your intrest you surely have to earn 8/10/12 lakhs but dont keep that as your goal. Kaka always says that dont run after money it will come to you & if you run after it, it will still go ahead.Good luck & all our best wishes & ashirvad to you.

Priya said...

That was well-written... Keep blogging. It is great talkin to oneself, isnt it :)